Cancellation of the Oyster Festival and introduction of the TV broadcast

The Oyster Festival is held every February

This year it was cancelled due to the coronavirus.

An estimated 13,000 people attended #AkoSeasidePark, making it the second largest festival in Ako city.

At one point, there were plans to hold a small-scale oyster festival event at eight locations across the country by Soensha and Koei Suisan as a separate event, but this has also been postponed.

It's unfortunate, but I hope we can do it again soon🙋‍♂️

On a different note, #SakoshiOysters will be broadcast on the Mainichi Broadcasting System's "Chichin Puipui" on February 11th, somewhere between 13:55 and 15:49 📺✨

Is it only broadcast in the Kinki region? Maybe...

"Kamashima Suisan," famous for the story of Chushingura, is telling us the charm of Sakae oysters 💪‼︎ I think👌

Please take a look if you like 🙌♪

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